Saturday, February 26, 2011

I'm Still Painting

I've posted a few paintings from last fall and wanted to show some recent field work in this post. These five paintings are the highlights from this last week of painting outdoors. We had a couple really unusual pleasant days early in the week with sunshine all day long... I'll take 'em where I can get 'em. The rest of the week; not so pleasant. Thursday night and Friday we got "dumped on" as you might be able to tell from the last image painted while it was coming down in a near white out.
Just wanted to let you know, I'm still painting.



  1. wonderful work , i like it, seems a bit different from your usual, they are very nice.

  2. Thanks Jesus,
    Yes, these are all 6"x8" and more studies. I am after the essentials in these and only relevant (as I see it) details.

